News and Publications

Chapter and Division Events

Chapter and Division Events




11 Dec 2019

Modernising the WA EP Act - DWER Briefing

Sarah McEvoy - DWER
5 Dec 2019

The Flora and Fauna Guarantee Amendment Act 2019 - modernising Victoria's key biodiversity legislation

Leigh Morrison >
Vanessa Craigie >
Julia Franco >
Brendon Sydes >
Nic McCaffrey >

10 Oct 2019

Revolutionising Victorian Environmental Law – implications of the draft Regulations and Environmental Reference Standard

Dru Marsh >
Paula Bradshaw >
Tim Power >
6 Aug 2019 Special presentation by Chief Environmental Scientist Dr Andrea Hinwood and EIANZ Vic Division AGM

Life, Science and environmental protection |
Dr Andrea Hinwood >

17 July 2019 SEQ AGM From Mitigation to Sustainability | Bryan Jenkins
20 June 2019

Queensland Globe Webinar

Qld Globe Webinar Medium

Click here to watch >


LEAP 2 - The Future

The LEAP 2 - The Future conference is a two-day forum focusing on the hurdles and a pathway forward for environmental Legislation, Environmental Approvals, and Policy.

View Irene Penesis's presentation >

View Soren Hermansen's video >

Developing and funding renewables projects | Dan Brown

Green Energy from Brown Water - The Opportunities for Hydrogen | David Carberry & Rob Nicholson

Sustainable Railways of the Future - How Is This A Better Option Than Road | Sarah Connelly

Working Together in the Native Title Space | Nathan Frazier

Clean Energy Transitions - The Future of Energy | Ian Mackinnon

Cutting Edge Metals And The Future Of Batteries | Shaun McCarthy

Financial Assurance and Rehabilitation Reforms | Jackie McKeay

Third party audits and the importance of Clarity in Conditions | Romin Nejad & Scott Lambert Workshop

Where Are We Heading? Legislation, Approvals And Policy - Legislation, Approvals And Policy | Kathryn Pacey

As environmental professionals, what do we want? | Geraldine Squires


EPA Update - A New Act

EPA Update

PFAS Regulatory Update

Student and Early Careers Congress

The Student and Early Careers Congress was especially targeted at those studying part-time and full-time in environment-related degrees and those new to the industry (within the first five years of their careers).

View Program >

Alex Prideaux

Dam Lim

Heidi Taylor

Isobel Oldfield

Liz Floyd

Marie Victor

Mike Ritchie

Suzanna Remmerswaal

NZ Annual Symposium

Allanah Kidd, Beca

Amelia Sharman, Productivity Commission

Daniel Basubas

Garrett Lentz

Nick Tait, Dairy NZ

Rachel Puentener / Sylvia Smyth, The How Team

Sean Weaver, Ekos

Stewart McKenzie, Enviro-Mark Solutions

Tsani Rakhmah, Student presentation

Victoria Metcalf, OPMCS

WA | Flora and vegetation in EIA Symposium

Video presentations from all speakers

Presentations from speakers

Revolutionising Victorian Environmental Law - innovation, opportunity and risk

Tim Power - Partner, White & Case LLP

Kath Rowley - Executive Director, Climate Change Division at DELWP


SEQ and FNQ Divisions - Queensland Vegetation Management Update.

Delivered across various locations via live video stream this event discussed proposed changes to the Queensland vegetation management framework (VMOLA Bill 2018) and the practical implementation of the proposed policy changes.

Olivia Williamson - Senior Associate, Hopgood Ganim Lawyers

David Francis - Senior Principal Ecologist, Cardno Brisbane and Sophie Cowie - Senior Ecologist, Cardno, Brisbane

Dave Fleming - Ecosure, MEIANZ and CEnvP Ecology Specialist

Peter Lazzarini - Director, Vegetation Operations Support, DNRME

VIC Division - Cultural Heritage Management Update

This interactive session on cultural heritage management issues covered:

  • The new Heritage Act 2017
  • The Aboriginal Heritage Act (as amended in 2016)
  • Understanding heritage management processes and requirements
  • Working with Registered Aboriginal Parties
Jeremy Smith - Heritage Victoria
WA Division - DWER Update - Regulatory Reform & Environmental Programs 2018

Mr Mike Rowe, Director General of the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, led the Department in delivering the McGowan Government's environmental reform and licensing program. Mr Rowe presented to members on the progress of the DWER since its commencement on 1 July 2017, bringing together the previous Departments of Water and Environmental Regulation.

Mr Mike Rowe, DWER
15 - 16 Feb 2018
Impact Assessment SIS & VIC Division - Impact Assessment Symposium

Worldwide, IA is the pre-eminent tool for assessing the sustainable development potential of new proposals. However, IA is mostly reactive rather than strategic. This symposium explored ways to broaden strategic thinking in IA in Australia.

Session 1:

David Hyett, AECOM

Jack Krohn, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Garry Middle, VisionEnvironment

Simona Duke and Julie Keane, North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation

Session 2:

Rachel Maas and Lara Mottee

Angus Morrison-Saunders, Edith Cowan University

Garry Middle, VisionEnvironment

Megan Jones

Session 3:

Kathryn Friday, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Anne Dansey, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

Russell Tait, Tait and Associates Pty Ltd

VIC Division - Advancing sustainability in infrastructure

This forum introduced ISCA and the Infrastructure Sustainability Rating Tool and provided a case study on how the Metro Tunnel is applying sustainability.

Anthony Sprigg - ISCA

Priya Pathmanathan - Melbourne Metro Rail Authority

NSW Division - National Flying-fox Forum Program

The Second National Flying-fox Forum followed on from the successful event held in 2016 that brought together over 75 dedicated individuals from all levels of government, non-government organisations, consultancies and community groups to explore the issues of flying-fox management and conservation. This year’s event sought to expand on the topics raised during the inaugural forum and moved on to implementing the principles of the strategic vision.

View the program here.

Introduction Slides

Ecosure and Richard Collins - Lockyer Valley Regional Council

Ross Rowe - Department of the Environment and Energy

Mike Roache - Office of Environment and Heritage

Dr Rodney van der Ree –Ecology and Infrastructure International
School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne

Jason van Weenen - Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources

Jess Bracks - Ecosure

Dr Pia Lentini and Kaye Currey

Dr Justin Welbergen - Western Sydney University and Australasian Bat Society

Workshop Introduction Slides

Himali Ratnayake - University of Melbourne

Michael Ulph - GHD

Dr Justin Welbergen (HSE) - Western Sydney University and Australasian Bat Society

Trish Wimberley - Australian Bat Clinic

Dr Tania Bishop

Bradley Nolan - Hunter Joint Organisation of Councils

Maree Kerr - Griffith University

WA Division - Student and early careers mentoring events

This event featured a panel of industry professionals who shared their career pathways and provided advice for young professionals in today's environment sector. This event was videoed.

Videos of the event

WA Division - An introduction to the WA Biodiversity Science Institute

This seminar covered the work WABSI are undertaking and how they can assist the broader WA environmental network.

Guy Boggs - WABSI

Information management presentation - WABSI

Survey node presentation - WABSI

Videos of the event

NSW Division - Northern Rivers Contaminated Land and Waste Forum

This one-day forum covered the latest developments in contaminated land and waste management industries in the NSW Northern Rivers region. Leading practitioners from the NSWEPA, local government and industry provided insight into regulatory updates and current industry practice. With the growing need for certified practitioners in this area, information was also provided on the Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme and its specialist certification in contaminated land.

View the program here.

Marc Salmon MEIANZ CEnvP - NSW accredited site auditor

Rod Harwood - Industry leader

Bill Haylock FEIANZ CEnvP - CEnvP Board member

Phillippa Biswell - Sutherland Council

Scott Hunter - NSWEPA

Christine Pitman - Ballina Shire Council

Sam Waskett - NSWEPA

Naomi Lee - NSWEPA

David A Johnson - NSWEPA

Kylie Lloyd - Zoic Environmental

Ross Fox - Fishburn Watson O'Brien

NSW Division - Reinvigorating environmental management

Can the new EMS standard help drive improvement in the environmental outcomes from your business? This interactive PEP event discussed the main implications of the new version of the international standard for environmental management systems (ISO 14001:2015).

Julie Dickson - Dickson Environmental Consulting and Audit
VIC Division - Climate Change Forum

This forum provided an update and overview of state government climate change policy announcements and examples of actions being taken.

Alice Bleby - Manager of Adaptation in Climate Change Policy, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Fin Robertson - Senior Sustainability Specialist, Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA)

Dianna McDonald - Social Research Lead, Sustainability Victoria

Fran MacDonald - Coordinator, Western Alliance for Greenhouse Action

WA Division - Environmental Practitioners' Workshop: Sharing experiences in environmental practice

The program for the day focused on four key areas with three presentations in each session. The sessions were:

  • Policy programs and research
  • Recovery and rehabilitation
  • Tools and innovation
  • Community and engagement

In addition to the twelve presentations, two key note speakers presented.

View the program here >

Policy programs and research

Chris Gentle and Guy Boggs - WABSI

Sarah Bellamy and Paul West - DMP

Andrew Mack - Talis Consultants

Recovery and rehabilitation

Chris Kennedy - ER Consultants

Karl Hansom - Paper and Presentation - South Coast NRM

Robyn Cail - South Coast NRM

Tools and innovation

Jenny Cambell - Encycle Consulting

Renata Zelinova - WALGA

Andrew Moore - Aerial Environment

Community and engagement

Catrina-Luz Aniere - Millennium Kids

Neil Dixon - Ennovate Consulting

Sally Forbes - South Coast NRM

FNQ Division - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV): Application in environmental science and management

UAV's have an increasing presence in environmental management, monitoring and research by providing an opportunity to create high resolution spatial data in real time. This event included speakers from industry and university bodies to demonstrate the utility of UAV technology.

View the presentation (video)
VIC Division - Caulfield to Dandenong: transformation toward sustainable development

This seminar on the Caulfield to Dandenong level crossing removal project provided a cross-disciplinary case study and discussed:

  • The key environmental benefits
  • Opportunities and innovations
  • How continuous improvement is applied
  • How the design has been influenced to achieve sustainable development outcomes.

James David, Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA)

Paul O’Connell, Caulfield to Dandenong Alliance

Brigid Moriarty, Coffey

Michael Arpula, LXRA

Adrian White, WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff

NSW Division: PEP - True cost of litter

This seminar explored the social impact and wider ranging effect of litter in public spaces. NSW EPA provided insight on their refreshed anti-litter education campaign and opportunities for grant funding under the Waste Less Recycle More 2017-21 extension.

Darren Perrin - Eunomia

Blake Lindley - Edge Environment

Sharon Owens - NSW EPA

NSW Division: PEP - ‘Smarter’ water monitoring - supporting environmental assessments at a project-specific level

Dr Dan Evans presented on a range of ‘smarter’ water monitoring techniques by way of case-studies. He addressed what needs to be obtained from environmental monitoring programs and provided some guidance on how to go about achieving this.

Dr Dan Evans - Beca
Webinar: Make 2017 your best work year yet

Presented by Louise Millar-Hoffman, EIANZ member and Australia's only eco-specialist career and workforce development specialist, this informative and practical session offered useful tips for immediate action towards your best year yet.

View the webinar recording

NSW Division: PEP Talk - Waste management in the modern world

Dr Stuart Dever, a specialist with more than 25 years experience in waste management, presented on:

  • How waste management has changed over the last 50 years
  • The performance and sustainability of current strategies and practices
  • The new (2016) NSW EPA Environmental Guidelines for Solid Waste Landfills
  • Waste management at the Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre
Dr Stuart Dever - Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre
Webinar: Why you should become a Certified Environmental Practitioner - for your sake and the profession

This webinar highlighted the value of the Certified Environmental Practitioner Scheme to the environment profession, through improving reputation and accountability, and to individual practitioners.

View the webinar recording

Download the slides from the presentation

WA Division - Environmental regulatory reform in Western Australia

Western Australia is undergoing significant environmental regulatory reform. In 2013, the Department of Environment Regulation (DER) was established as a stand-alone environmental regulator. In 2014 the DER embarked on a program to make environmental regulation in Western Australia more efficient, effective, transparent, consistent and accountable by developing a comprehensive risk-based approach to its regulatory functions under Part V Division 3 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. Jason Banks (DER Director General) and Agnes Tay (DER Director, Strategy and Reform) provided a presentation on the Department’s environmental regulatory reform program and its implementation.

Jason Banks and Agnes Tay - Department of Environment Regulation
Webinar - How to integrate environmental information into accounting standards

Environmental-economic accounting, based on the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting, is a multi-faceted exercise involving accountants, ecologists, economists, statisticians and geographers. Learn more about it from Mark Eigengraam and Carl Obst, Directors of the Institute for the Development of Environmental-Economic Accounting (IDEEA).

View the webinar recording - please note, there was a technical issue with the slides not being displayed for the first 10 minutes of the recording. The slides are available below.

Download the slides from the presentation

SEQ Division - National Flying-Fox Forum

Flying-foxes are gregarious animals that can disrupt people sleeping and camps produce strong odours, which make adjacent living difficult. They are also protected species, including some that are threatened, and management of camps requires approaches that are ethical, humane and will not negatively impact on each population.

This forum explored the various management regimes in operation in primarily Queensland and New South Wales with the aim of producing a national strategy for management of flying-fox camps.

This forum explored:

  • The effectiveness of dispersal programs based on the speakers' experiences.
  • Presentation of data to support alternative measures.
  • Factors that affect the effectiveness and success rate of camp management measures.

Click here to watch a video from the 2016 National Flying-fox forum.

Click here for information on the 2017 National Flying-fox forum.

Joe Adair
Lindsay Delzoppo
Raeleen Draper
Peggy Eby
Matt Hansen
John Martin
Tim McGrath
Beth Noel
Angie Radford
Mike Roache
Dave Westcott
Trish Wimberley 1
Trish Wimberley 2
Workshop Slides
Speaker Biographies
Event Flyer
Ecological Poster
Cairns Council Poster
Bat Wars Poster
Aust Bat Society Poster
Event Program

Webinar: BHP Billiton's strategic assessment of its Pilbara mining operations over the next 50-100 years

This webinar was run by Bryce Skarratt, Team Leader Strategic Environmental Assessment, Iron Ore Environmental Approvals at BHP Billiton, and gave an overview of BHP Billiton's strategic assessment of its Pilbara mining operations over the next 50-100 years including:

  • Impact assessment methodology
  • Outcomes of the assessment with practical examples
  • How impacts will be managed and the assurance and compliance regime that is being proposed
  • What environmental outcomes BHP Billiton will be committing to achieving and how they demonstrate they are meeting those outcomes
  • Lessons learnt to date

View a recording of the webinar

Download the webinar slides

VIC Division: TAKE2: Victorian Government’s climate change pledge program

Jack Noonan - Sustainability Victoria

6-Jul to 7-Jul-2016
WA Division: Fauna Assessment for Environmental Impact Assessment Workshop

This two-day workshop for regulators, consultants, local and state government officers, industry, researchers and students covered a range of topics, such as:

  • Scoping and survey design
  • Survey and assessment techniques
  • Threatened Species discussion panel
  • New technology and innovations

View the program here >

Day one

Bridget Hyder Manager - Terrestrial Ecosystems Branch Office of the Environmental Protection Authority

Mike Bamford - Banford Consulting Ecologists

Glen Gaikhorst - GHD Environment

Dr Manda Page - Department of Parks and WIldlife

Dr Graham Thompson - Terrestrial Ecosystems

Dr Scott Thompson - Terrestrial Ecosystems

Mark Cowan - Department of Parks and Wildlife

Robert Browne Cooper

Day two

Rebecca Bray - WA Museum

Dr Graham Thompson - Terrestrial Ecosystems

Piers Higgs - Gaia Resources

Peter Adams - Murdoch University

Allan Burbidge - Department of Parks and Wildlife

Robert Lednor - Global Unmanned Systems

Peter Zurzolo - The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute

SA Division: Infrastructure Sustainability Rating Scheme and the North-South Corridor (Torrens Road to River Torrens Project)

This presentation by Cathy Chesson (T2T Alliance Sustainability Manager) and Kirsty Bauer (Case Manager, Infrastructure Sustainability Council Australia) gave an overview of the Infrastructure Sustainability Rating Scheme and discussed its application on the North-South Corridor (Torrens Road to River Torrens Project).

Kirsty Bauer - Infrastructure Sustainability Council Australia
NSW Division: Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) Forum

This forum featured expert speakers covering the latest on PFCs and answering some of the following questions:

  • What do we know about PFCs and what is the current status?
  • What do we actually know about the toxicology and health risk of PFCs?
  • What are your legal risks for PFC contamination without clear regulation?
  • How is NSW currently a regulating PFCs, and what changes are coming?
  • What are our limitations /improvements in detecting/analysing PFCs?
  • What are some of the technologies available and being developed to clean up PFC impact?
VIC Division - Climate Action

Anna Skarbek - Climate Works Australia

David Jenkins - National Australia Bank

Dr Cathy Oke - Melbourne City Council

VIC Division - Urban renewal: Not only Fishermans Bend

A panel of expert presenters explored the role and importance of the policy and regulatory landscape in facilitating redevelopment of urban renewal sites.

Dominic Arcaro - Navire

Simon Micmacher - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Meredith Sussex AM - Fishermans Bend Ministerial Advisory Committee

NSW Division: Innovation in the environment

Facilitated by Jan Rieche, Polyglot Group, this event featured presentations on the latest in renewables from frontline leaders in the field including: Dan Sturrock - Investment Director, Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA),
Dean Stehling - Executive Director, Allgird - an Indigenous Corporation leading the way with battery storage and
Nigel Morris - CEO, RoofJuice Australia.

Event flyer
VIC Division: In pursuit of renewable energy in Victoria

Tom Butler - Clean Energy Council

Mark Feather - Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

Jamie McGlip - Acciona

FNQ Division: Renewable energy event

This event brought together experts to discuss current developments in the renewable energy sector in Far North Queensland.

Dr Adam Smith - Reef Ecologic

Prof Rocky de Nys - MACRO James Cook University

Graeme Pollack - SMEC

Alastair Buchan - NQ Dry Tropics

VIC Division: Melbourne Strategic Assessment - Biodiversity 5 years on

This seminar focussed on the recent government guidance note - Implementing the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy for Melbourne's Growth Corridor and covered topics such as -

  • Adjustments to conservation area boundaries
  • Retaining native vegetation and scattered trees
  • Uses and acceptable development within conservation areas

Warrick McGrath - Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

Mark Bartley - HWL Ebsworth Lawyers

Aidan O'Neill - City of Whittlesea

SEQ Division: Are strategic assessments the answer?

Strategic assessments are landscape scale assessments and unlike project-by-project assessments, which look at individual actions (such as construction and operation of a pipeline or wind farm), they can consider a much broader set of actions.

Entering into a strategic assessment offers the potential to deal with cumulative impacts on Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) and to look for both conservation and planning outcomes on a much larger scale than can be achieved through project-by-project assessments. The process is designed to be flexible and provide the opportunity to reach a negotiated outcome for the benefit of both parties.

Slides from the Presentation

Online recording, including slides

Event Flyer

4 - 5-June-2015
SEQ Division: LEAP Summit - Legislation, Environmental Approvals and Policy

LEAP was a two day summit focussing on the hurdles and pathway forward for environmental legislation, environmental approvals and policy.

Rarely a week goes by without discussions or notifications of a change of environmental legislation, policy or approvals strategy. As environmental practitioners, or professionals who work closely with environmental planning, we must adapt to these hurdles and provide ethical, sustainable solutions. In this forum we will hear from Queensland’s leading practitioners in environmental approvals, development and implementation of legislation and policy.

Check out the presentations to see how are lessons from the past being applied to improve performance and enhance environmental outcomes? How can we lead the way for the next generations for environmentally and economically sustainable solutions to today's challenges?

Event Program

Graeme Newton - Deloittes

Elisa Nichols - EHP

Deb Calliser - Dept of Environment

Paul Wilson - Ashurst

Hamish Manzi - Adani

James MacDermott - Aecom

Paul Lindsay - Compass Assurance

James Mackenzie - EHP

Graeme Bolton - DILGP

Omar Ameer - EHP

Barton Green - Three Plus

Brad May - Epic Environmental

Michael Klug AM - Clayton Utz

Michael Ryan - Arrow Energy

Hugh Lavery - AEI

FNQ Division: Mine site rehabilitation and closure planning workshop

This workshop brought together experts from industry and government to discuss best practice in mine site rehabilitation and closure planning. Three expert speakers presented on their area of expertise followed by a panel discussion.

Ian Rankin - 4T Consultants

Stuart Winchester - GHD

Neil Dale - Department of Environment and Heritage Protection

SEQ Division: Managing and reporting on Contaminated land sites in Queensland

Effectively managing all aspects of contaminated land sites is much like mastering a complex jigsaw puzzle! All the pieces must fit together to tell the story, from the initial desktop historical assessments, to in field assessments, sampling, sample transfer, laboratory, data analysis and interpretation, reporting, administrative and auditing assessment through to potential legal aspects associated with impacts upon the receiving environment.

Brad May - Epic Environmental

Event Flyer

FNQ Division: Environmental Regulation Update

Speakers from government and the legal profession discussed where environmental regulations are at in Queensland and implications for stakeholders

Omar Ameer - Department of Environment and Heritage

Stuart Watson - NQ Legal

Vic Division: Making EIAs work

This interactive seminar focussed on how to navigate the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process in Victoria, understanding the expectations of key regulators and providing insights for proponents and their advisers to leverage the EIA process and add value to their projects.

Tony Robinson - Environment Protection Authority

Tim Power - Herbert Smith Freehills

Adam Mitchell - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

David Hyett - AECOM

NZ Chapter: EIANZ New Zealand Symposium - Focusing on what matters

This one-day Symposium was opened by Hon Dr Nick Smith (Minister for the Environment) and Rod Oram. Speakers came from local government, industry and NGOs and presented on two topics currently affecting environmental management in NZ – the freshwater NPS and local body amalgamation.

Rod Oram - Our next revolution: Focusing on what matters we work with the ecosystem not against it

Richard Thompson - Cleaning up the Manawatū River: A collaborative approach

Elizabeth McGruddy - Enabling farmers to achieve excellent freshwater outcomes

Tim Higham - Achieving effective engagement across multiple agencies: the case of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park

Nicki Green - Stormwater Management and the NPS for Freshwater Management 2014

Nigel Corry - Implementing the NPS-FM in the Wellington region

Cr Christine Scott - Hawke’s Bay Regional Council: Is it fundamental to Hawke’s Bay’s future success?

Barry Johnson - The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management

Simon Harvey - The Natural Step

Barbara Donaldson - Achieving excellent environmental outcomes in the context of local government reform in Wellington

SEQ Division: Advancing Sustainability with Environmental Practice

Advancing sustainability in business activities, projects and organisations requires more than technical skills. Practitioners need to help project leaders identify then own sustainability priorities and organise solutions with their stakeholders.

This presentation will introduce practical tools to assist you with exploring issues and guiding others in managing them. Our presenter will also outline how to customise communication of priorities to leverage support for sustainability endeavours.

​Event Flyer

SEQ Division: Contemporary Issues in Environmental Impact Assessment

This seminar provided attendees with an overview of the EIA processes available in Queensland as well as an insight into important legal and technical considerations when deciding on what process works best for a particular project.

Geraldine Squires - GHD

Xavier McMahon - Clayton Utz

SEQ Division: Native Title - not just mining anymore

Attendees obtained a practical update on native title legislation and case law both in Australia and in Canada, and how that legal framework is shaping resource development projects.

Dr Jonathan Fulcher - HopgoodGanim

Scott Hanna - Hatch Pty Ltd

SEQ Division: Australian Government's One Stop Shop

Stephanie Secomb - Assistant Director, Policy and Reform Branch and Joe Walters - Assistant Director, Policy and Reform Branch presented a webinar on the Australian Government's plan for a one-stop shop for environmental approvals policy.

Fact sheet on the one-stop shop

Slides from the presenation

Online recording of the webinar (complete with slides)

Answers to questions asked during webinar that speakers ran out of time to answer

For further questions, send an email to the one-stop shop