Institute Programs

2018 EIANZ Conference Presentations

2018 EIANZ Conference Presentations

The 2018 Annual Conference explored the theme, "imagine: environment, people, future".

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Keynote Speakers

Professor Emma Johnston (UNSW)

Changing the way we look at environments - bigger, better and faster data

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Principal Environment Judge Laurie Newhook, Environment Court of New Zealand

Swings and Roundabouts in Access to Environmental Justice in New Zealand

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Justice Rachel Pepper, Land and Environment Court of NSW

Agitators in an Age of Green ‘Lawfare’

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Justice Melissa Perry, Federal Court of Australia

Water Law: Re-imagining the future through the prism of antiquity

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Lucy Hughes Turnbull AO, Chief Commissioner, Greater Sydney Commission

Greater Sydney Commission

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Felicity Greenway, Executive Director, Resource Policy and Reform Implementation in the Department of Planning and Environment

Reimagining Cities: people, place, power

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Professor Peter Skelton, Commissioner, Canterbury Regional Council

An extraordinary response: Lessons from the post-earthquake recovery and regeneration planning for Greater Christchurch

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Simon Smale, Landscape Manager, Gondwanalink, Bush Heritage Australia

He Kaupapa Tikanga-Rua: Applying indigenous landscape knowledge to planning in Aotearoa New Zealand

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Doug Jackson, Executive General Manager, Group Operations, AGL

Making tomorrow happen today

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Greg Bourne, Councillor, Climate Council

Re-imaginging the future of energy and climate

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Digital Disruption in the Environment Sector

Ben Starr,

Internet of Things to Power Outcomes Based Approvals

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Strategic Impact assessment

Kangmin Moon, Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability

State of the Environment Reporting framed by the UN SDGs

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David Johnson, FEIANZ and Warwick Giblin, FEIANZ (OzEnvironmental)

Making Development & Planning Decisions 'in the Public Interest' - How can we Improve ?

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Bryan Jenkins, President, EIANZ

Recovery Assessment: The Process Needed After Impacts Have Exceeded Sustainability Limits

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Michel Baron, Jacobs Group (Australia)

Wind Farm Noise Compliance in Victoria, Australia

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Strategic Impact assessment

Kangmin Moon, Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability

State of the Environment Reporting framed by the UN SDGs

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David Johnson, FEIANZ and Warwick Giblin, FEIANZ (OzEnvironmental)

Making Development & Planning Decisions 'in the Public Interest' - How can we Improve ?

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Bryan Jenkins, President, EIANZ

Recovery Assessment: The Process Needed After Impacts Have Exceeded Sustainability Limits

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Michel Baron, Jacobs Group (Australia)

Wind Farm Noise Compliance in Victoria, Australia

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Kieran Marshall & Arne Bishop, RPS Australia

Remote sensing the threatened species Boronia deanei across the Newnes Plateau

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Alexi Williams, ACT Parks and Conservation Service

Strategic identification of simple management tools to solve complex restoration puzzles

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Environmental Education and Communications

Bill Haylock, Ardent Group Pty Ltd

Environmental Education - Managing Environmental Risk

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Social Impact Assessment: Recognizing People in EA

Aneeta Nathan

A Framework to spatially represent the Social Values of Waterways

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The Future of Waste

Alex Kanaar, Acting General Manager Growth and Development, Veolia

Rethinking Sustainability

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Chani Lokuge, AECOM

The future of waste management in Australia

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Innovations in Heritage, Public Engagement

Kym Oataway, Biosis Pty Ltd

Evolving knowledge along Bendigo Creek, Epsom

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William Truscott, Biosis Pty Ltd

Exploring archaeological methods in the Western Volcanic Plains, Victoria

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Darran Jordan, AECOM

Counting Scars: Culture, Science and Consultation for Modified Trees in NSW

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Ellen Marnock, Jacobs

Cox Peninsula Remediation Project – A case study of effective community engagement

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Environmental regulatory reform

Nick Thomas, Partner, Clayton Utz

The New Deal - Biodiversity offset reforms in NSW

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Paul Elton, CEO, Biodiversity Conservation Trust

The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust: An introduction to its role in supporting private land conservation

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Heidi Asten, Freehills, Victoria

Environmental reform in Victoria

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Social Impact Assessment: Recognizing People in EA

Aneeta Nathan

A Framework to spatially represent the Social Values of Waterways

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Rogelio Canizales Perez, NSW Department of Planning and Environment Office of Environment and Heritage

Analysis of the performance and future directions of the biodiversity credit market in NSW

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Contaminated Land Management

Ross Edwards, Jacobs Group (Australia)

PFAS: Managing the Shifting Sands of Science and Regulation with an Emerging Contaminant

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Tony Scott, Coffey Services Australia Pty Ltd

Incorporating Sustainability into Contaminated Land Management

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Adrian Heggie, WSP Australia Pty Limited

Challenges in Implementing Innovative Technologies and Approaches within Exisiting Contaminated Land Regulatory Frameworks

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Graham Smith, WSP Australia Pty Limited

Contaminated Land - Sustainable Treatment

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Social Impact Assessment: Recognising People in Environmental Assessment

Elouise Smith, GHD Canberra

An Introduction to International ESIA, Social Impacts, Challenges and Opportunities

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Lara Mottee, Macquarie University & University of Groningen

Follow-up of Social Impacts of Urban Linear Transport-Infrastructure projects: Exploring Key Issues for the Future

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Richard Parsons, NSW Department of Planning and Environment

Developing Social Impact Assessment Guidelines in a Pre-Existing Policy Context

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Garry Middle, VisionEnvironment Consulting

Moving beyond the rationality of project EIA – landscape scale and holistic EIA

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The Future of Transport

Jim Modrouvanos, Executive Director, Freight Industry Branch, Transport for NSW

The Future for NSW Freight

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David Greig, NZ Transport Agency

Connecting Auckland to Northland NZ while meeting multiple outcomes effectively

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Vicki Brady and Gareth Rees, Australian Rail Track Corporation

Future Proofing Transport: The Environmental Approach to Inland Rail

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Mitchell Lee and Larissa Miller, Cardno

Planning for low emission transport: walking and cycling

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Managing the Future: Imagine New Opportunities and Challenges

Damien Giurco, Institute for Sustainable Futures

Trends, disruptors and the circular economy

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Kora Uhlmann, University of Queensland

Who cares? Environmental context in facilitating adolescent nature relatedness and wellbeing

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Peter Ryan, UNSW

Landscape analysis’ of Stakeholder research and initiatives that contribute to achievement of Australia’s Sustainable and Resilient food & fibre production and land use systems by 2050

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Olivia Aib, Jacobs Group (Australia)

Metro Tunnel Project: Facilitating best practice sustainability outcomes

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Climate Change in the 21st Century

Claudia Baldwin and Helen Ross, University of Queensland

Imagine Climate Resilient Communities and Regions: Participatory Adaptation Planning for Building Resilience

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Sarah McLaren, Massey University

The Absolute Angle on Assessing Climate Change for Buildings

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Allan Young, EMM Consulting Pty Ltd

Beach loss: How to make it not as bad as it might otherwise be

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Daniela von Rabenau, Gea Environmental Pty Ltd

Fostering Climate Change Outcomes: The Parkes Water Infrastructure Renewal Project

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Environmental regulatory reform

Chris Murphy, Independent reseacher

Why Biodiversity Reform generally fails to address the decline of biodiversity

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Andrew Picone, Australian Conservation Foundation

The urgent need for a new generation of national environment laws

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Jennifer Warren, WSP Australia Pty Limited

Imagine… A life without quality water

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Sarah Kelly, Jacobs Group (Australia)

Drawing Lessons from New Zealand to provide a more supportive Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy Development in Western Australia

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