SIA Practitioner Certification Update and Survey

Published 17 April 2020

In November 2019, the EIANZ SIA Working Group held a workshop to develop a national certification action plan and framework. Below is the briefing paper for the workshop and copies of workshop presentations. Click on the links below to access these documents.

This meeting was by 20 practitioners from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. Workshop participants agreed:

  • There is currently no certification available for SIA practitioners in Australia. It is an unaccredited, unregulated, interdisciplinary field with an ad hoc system of professional reliance.
  • Lack of certification can lead to a credibility deficit with resulting challenge to professionalism.
  • Consistency of standards and competency regulation require certification to ensure practitioner proficiency.
  • Acknowledgement that the practice of SIA is changing with a requirement for higher standards.
  • These standards are driven by new guidelines requiring adherence to leading practice principles and social science methodologies.
  • SIA practitioners require clear competencies, appropriate qualifications, skills, and aptitude in order to ensure work integrity and veracity of their findings.
  • As a result of these discussions, it was determined that further input from SIA practitioners was required with a primary focus on the following areas:
  • SIA practitioner certification format and process of implementation.
  • Skills, competencies, and experience identification specific to a qualified SIA.
  • Accredited training and professional development implementation requirements to achieve certification.

As a result of these discussions, it was determined that further input from SIA practitioners (via an online survey) was required on the following topics:

  • SIA practitioner certification format and process of implementation.
  • Skills, competencies and experience identification specific to a qualified SIA practitioner.
  • Accredited training and professional development implementation requirements to achieve certification.


The survey will be open until Friday 1 May 2020.

The results of the survey will be used to inform the development of the Action Plan with the aim of achieving certification for SIA practitioners by late 2020. A Survey Report will be provided to those people who complete the survey.