Institute Programs

Access journal online

Access journal online

A subscription to the Australasian Journal of Environmental Management is included with all Full and Fellow memberships. Student and Associate members can elect to subscribe to the journal for a discounted fee upon application and/or renewal.

  1. Log in to the EIANZ website.

  2. Go to the 'Member Centre'. This can be found by clicking on the log in button in the top right of the screen

  3. Click on 'Access the Journal' in the right hand navigation menu.

You will then be taken to the publisher's website - Taylor and Francis. You can access the current and all past issues.

Articles are posted online in advance of the full issue so check the site regularly for new material. Alternatively, you can also set up an alert to receive an email notification when new material is posted. Just click on the 'Alert me' link and follow the prompts.