
Webinar | Integrating Consideration of Climate Resilience into Transport Projects

Transport networks and infrastructure play a critical role supporting economic, social and emergency management activities. Climate change presents many risks and opportunities to transport infrastructure. Whether it is physical impacts from extreme weather events and longer-term changes, or risks and opportunities associated with the transition to a low carbon economy, there is an urgent need to act.

To support action, this webinar will explore approaches to embedding climate resilience into the planning and management of transport assets, including:
• undertaking risk assessment and adaptation planning
• enhancing nature positive considerations
• reducing embedded emissions of materials.

This event will run off Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) and will run for 1 hour. The webinar will be recorded and a link to the webinar will be sent to all registered attendees in the days after the webinar.

Meet the speakers

Allan Klindworth | Associate Director – Sustainability and Resilience at AECOM

Allan has over 18 years of experience delivering complex, thought leading climate adaptation projects. He has worked with all levels of government as well as private sector organisations, helping them to understand the risks presented by the changing climate and to build their resilience through adaptation planning. This work has included assessing risks to existing asset portfolios and integrating consideration of climate change impacts into strategic planning and asset design processes.
Allan’s climate resilience experience includes the state-wide assessment of climate risks to Government infrastructure for Infrastructure Victoria and supporting the integration of climate resilience and sustainability policy into the delivery of major infrastructure projects. He has also developed climate risk and adaptation frameworks and guidance for federal, state and international government agencies, including, most recently, the Austroads’ Climate Change and Natural Hazards Climate Risk Assessment and Adaptation Planning Guidelines.

Cathy Crawley | Technical Director and ANZ Nature Based Solutions Lead, Sustainability and Resilience at AECOM

Cathy has over 30 years international and senior executive experience and is a Technical Director with AECOM. She has led business strategy and change in line with corporate ESG and sustainability goals working with Boards and executive teams. She has a unique mix of environment and sustainability experience. This has been in line with the TNFD and TCFD as well as corporate sustainability strategies for private and public clients. She also has gained extensive experience delivering complex planning and approval projects for clients, advising on sustainability strategy, environmental approvals and influencing clients to go beyond compliance and seek nature positive and other sustainability outcomes as well as leading innovative approaches to site restoration. She has recent experience with Natural Capital Accounting working with organisations seeking to value ecosystem services.

Miles Dacre | Advanced Materials Segment Leader at AECOM

Miles is approaching 40 years in the field of concrete durability and asset condition assessment and maintenance. He is an expert in adopting and advocating for innovative materials in concrete and using his extensive experience in durability design and materials engineering to frame and lead carbon reduction initiatives. He has established strong industry connections across design, construction, concrete supply and university research to ensure that the necessary discussions can be had to ensure practical and implementable solutions can be delivered.
He will provide an overview of steps that any asset owner can take now to start to make reductions in the concrete that they are using on their projects. He will also outline what alternative cement and concrete products are becoming available and what asset owners can do to assess and stimulate the demand to enable those products to achieve commercial scale and cost competitiveness.

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Event details

When: 26 February 2025
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Where: Webinar

Cost: $10 EIANZ members, $20 non-members (AUD)

Contact: Registration and event enquiries to or phone us on +61 8593 4140 or +64 9887 6972

Register now and secure your attendance