
Webinar | Resilience Webinar for Students and Early Career Professionals

Published 11th November 20 12:00 AM

At EIANZ we know that the extended lockdown, a prospective economic downturn and tighter job market is playing on the minds of early career professionals and students in the environmental sector. The Vic Division Student and Early Career Committee (SECC) invites students and early career professionals to attend this presentation and workshop themed on resilience.

The workshop aims to provide anecdotes, tools and tips for EIANZ members who are wanting to learn how to equip themselves to be more resilient. The webinar will be facilitated by Jack Annear. Jack works as a motivational speaker using his own resilience journey, waking up from a coma in December 2007, to inspire his listeners and share tools for resilience. Jack is also the national coordinator of EIANZ SECC, so is very in tune with the challenges facing the SECC member base. The main themes of the webinar will be:

  • Why is resilience relevant to our SECC members?
  • What advice does our guest speaker have to members wanting to increase their resilience in the current COVID/economic environment?
  • What the resilience strategies are the most effective?
  • How do you start or hold a conversation with someone and use empathy?
  • How does resilience translate to success in job seeking and success in networking.

Meet the Speaker

Jack Annear MEIANZ | Environmental Compliance Officer | Motivational Speaker

Jack has responsibility for assessing, approving and ensuring ongoing compliance with the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 for all exploration and production activities undertaken in South Australia. This includes a fieldwork component to assist licensees and their contractors to remain in compliance with Part 12 of the PGE Act. Jack has been appointed the lead for the division's WHS Management System and regularly provide advice to ensure the Officer's, as determined by the WHS Act, are compliant with both legislative and Departmental requirements.

This webinar will run on Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDST)

Event details

When: 30 November 2020
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Where: Webinar

Cost: Free - EIANZ Members, $10 Non-members

Registrations Open: 11th November 20 10:00 AM

Registrations Close: 30th November 20 5:00 PM

Places Available: 25

Contact: Enquiries via +61 3 8593 4140 or

Register now and secure your attendance

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  • Registrations are closed

Published 11th November 20 12:00 AM