
Webinar | Karen Hussey EIANZ 2022 Annual Conference keynote presentation

From climate change to the circular economy; natural capital markets to the Brisbane 2032 Games; the Samuel Review of the EPBC Act to landscape restoration, threatened species and heritage protection – the Department of Environment Science has its sights firmly set on delivering contemporary policy and law to secure strong environmental outcomes. Karen’s presentation will cover where the priorities and opportunities lie, but also where the challenges and limitations exist.

Meet the speaker: Karen Hussey

Karen Hussey, Deputy Director-General, Environment and Heritage Policy and Programs, leads the development and coordination of policy, strategy and legislation relating to the environment, conservation and cultural heritage. She oversees the delivery of strategic programs such as protection of the Great Barrier Reef, waste management and resource recovery, and the Land Restoration Fund. She also leads policy and programs in areas such as heritage, climate change, environmental offsets, biodiversity, koala conservation and State of Environment reporting. Prior to joining government, Karen was Professor and Director of the Centre for Policy Futures at the University of Queensland.

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Event details

When: 21 March 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Where: Webinar

Cost: $10 EIANZ Members, $20 Non-members (AUD)

Contact: Enquiries via +61 3 8593 4140 or

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