
Webinar | Greenhouse gas emissions embedded in traded goods (Scope 3)

EIANZ invites you to a webinar on Greenhouse gas emissions embedded in traded goods (Scope 3)

The UNFCCC Paris Agreement commits Governments to taking action to keep global temperature rise as close as possible to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. Both Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand seek to achieve net zero emissions by around 2050.

However, there is no comparable policy for “imported” or “exported” emissions. Also export-focused fossil fuel projects continue to be approved. The emissions embedded in Australia’s 10 most valuable exports are several times higher than its domestic emissions and since 2005 have trended higher. Aotearoa New Zealand’s exports are not as exposed. The Climate Change Special Interest Section of the EIANZ recently circulated a draft position statement on Scope 3 emissions to the wider membership for information and comment. This webinar is a continuation of membership engagement on this aspect of climate change policy and practice.

Following the presentations for Chi and Alan, attendees will be given the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers in the Q&A .

Meet the speakers:

Chi Mun Woo | Partner at Deloitte Australia Climate and Sustainability

Chi has over 20 years’ international experience advising businesses and NGOs on sustainability and climate change issues and strategies, management systems, performance measurement and impact evaluation, reporting and assurance. Chi was a primary author of the GHG Protocol and is an accredited GHG auditor and Climate Active advisor, a board member of the AUASB, and an expert panel member of the International River Foundation’s Resilient Rivers Blueprint. Chi’s presentation will address the international and domestic policy background on Scope 3 emissions and the Scope 3 emissions profiles for Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.


Alan is a Brisbane-based landscape architect, environmental planner and ethicist with experience in landscape evaluation and impact assessment, design and site planning, land development, parks and horticulture, through more than 40 years in consultancy, teaching, and public sector roles. He has also held the role of president or chair of four professional institutes and associations including the Certified Environmental Practitioner scheme for Australia and New Zealand. He co-wrote the EIANZ Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, currently chairs the EIANZ Fellow Review Committee and co-chairs the EIANZ Indigenous Engagement Working Group.Alan’s presentation will focus on EIANZ’s purpose and ethics and how this is linked to addressing Scope 3 emissions.

The webinar will be facilitated by Ellen O’Brien from the EIANZ Climate Change Special Interest Section.

This event will run off Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and will be recorded for those unable to make the live event.

CPD Points

Event details

When: 21 September 2023
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Where: Webinar

Cost: $10 - EIANZ members, $20 non-members (AUD)

Registrations Close: 21st September 23 2:00 PM

Contact: Registration and event enquiries to or +61 8593 4140

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