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The Northern Territory government has recently published the Territory Water Plan, a plan to deliver water security now and into the future. A key element of delivering such a plan is securing public trust and confidence in water management in the NT.
Join us to hear from speaker Rowan Reilly, Director in the Office of Water Security in the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security who will outline how the NTG will secure community trust through sustainability planning.
At the conclusion of this event everyone is invited back to the Darwin Ski Club for the NT Division's Christmas Drinks!
Meet the speaker
Rowan Reilly | Director in the Office of Water Security in the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security
Note this event will run off Australian Central Standard Time (ACST).
CPD Points
30 November 2023
4:00 PM
- 5:00 PM
Museum and Art Gallery of NT
Theatrette, Conacher Street, Darwin
Cost: Free - members and non-members
Contact: Event enquiries - 03 8593 4140 or office@eianz.org
We acknowledge and value the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples in the protection and management of environmental values through their involvement in decisions and processes, and the application of traditional Indigenous knowledge.