
Erica van den Honert

Erica van den Honert

Erica van den Honert is a leading environmental impact assessment practitioner who has made an outstanding contribution as a regulator within government and consultancy for over 25 years. She was instrumental in driving the NSW environmental impact assessment improvement program, which lead to the delivery of comprehensive, evidence-based and userfriendly EIA guidelines for state significant projects.

She is currently Executive Director Infrastructure Assessments leading teams responsible for assessing State significant infrastructure projects and ensuring that the conditions of approvals are met. Prior to this she held the position of Director Infrastructure Management, responsible for the post approval phase of the above projects, and Director Assessment Practice, responsible for providing systems and guidance for assessment teams in the Department. Erica regularly presents to professional forums such as the International Association of Impact Assessment (IAIA), and actively participates in industry working groups. She is always a highly professional and passionate advocate for scientific evidence and sustainability.