2019 EIANZ Annual Conference Achieves Carbon Neutrality with UCapture

Published 3 December 2019

The Institute's partnership with UCapture has achieved it's goal of offsetting the 2019 EIANZ Annual Conference in Adelaide.

UCapture is a green-tech platform that contributes to carbon offset projects when users shop online with affiliated partners. 

The Annual Conference was calculated to have generated approximately 26.7 tons of greenhouse gasses; around a quarter of this was offset by attendees signing up and UCapture's contribution and the Institute contributed the remaining amount to achieve our goal.

Users who signed up during the Conference will continue contributing to carbon offset projects when using UCapture to shop online. 

The offset program selected was the Myamyn Conservation Project, a reforestation project in Victoria. EIANZ is proud to partner with UCapture and looks forward to using their green-tech platform, to work towards offsetting our future operations and events. 



Sign up to help EIANZ offset future events and operations >

Read more about UCapture here >

View The Institutes place on the UCapture leaderboard >